Access to information
In compliance with the Transparency code for smaller authorities - December 2014 the following items of information are published on this website.
1. Items of Expenditure exceeding £100 - These are included in the Minutes
2. End of Year Accounts - are found under Documents section A for Annual Return
3. Annual Governance Statement - this is contained within the End of Year Accounts as in 2 above (see Documents section A for Annual Return
4. Internal Audit Report - is found under Documents section I for Internal Auditors Report
5. List of Councillor Member responsibilities - To be added shortly
6. Details of Public land and building assets - To be added shortly
7. Minutes, Agendas, and Meeting Papers of formal meetings - are found under Documents section letter M for Meetings and A for Agendas
The above code does not replace or supersede the existing legal framework for access to and re-use of public sector information provided by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 as indicated in the following Publication Scheme.
Burton and Dalby Parish Council has adopted the Information Commissioner's model Publication Scheme and has published the following guide to information available under the scheme.
Freedom of Information - Model Publication Scheme (MS Word, 52 Kb)
Burton and Dalby Parish Council Model Publication Scheme
We aim to publish as much information as we can online. The document above contains clickable links to information on this website. However, some items are only available in print. You should be aware that the Council is entitled to withhold certain information.
Follow this link for full details about the Freedom of Information Act.
You can use the form below to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act, but please check the disclosure log to see whether your query has already been raised before and the information is available.