Burton and Dalby Neighbourhood Plan
Neighbourhood Plan 'made'
The Burton and Dalby Neighbourhood Plan was 'made' by Melton Borough Council on 25 January 2023. The Neighbourhood Plan is now a statutory plan which means that decisions on planning applications will be made using both the Local Plan and the Neighbourhood Plan, and any other material considerations.
Referendum Result
On 31 January 2022, Burton and Dalby Parish Council approved the Draft Burton and Dalby Neighbourhood Plan for submission to Melton Borough Council in accordance with Regulation 15 of the Neighbourhood Planning General Regulations 2012 (as amended). The Draft Neighbourhood Plan was submitted to Melton Borough Council along with the Burton and Dalby Design Code, Basic Conditions Statement and Consultation Statement and, under Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, a further six-week public consultation took place between 12 April 2022 and 24 May 2022 before it was sent to an Independent Examiner.
On 16 August 2022, the Examiner recommended that the Plan is modified to meet the 'Basic Conditions' and then submitted to a referendum. On 21 September 2022, Melton Borough Council confirmed that the Burton and Dalby Neighbourhood Plan will proceed to a Neighbourhood Referendum. The referendum was held on Thursday, 1st December 2022.
The question asked in the Referendum was:
"Do you want Melton Borough Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Burton and Dalby to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?"
On a turnout of 22.5%, 144 voted 'Yes' (76.6%) and 44 voted 'No' (23.4%).
Burton and Dalby Neighbourhood Plan: Referendum version (PDF, 12.5 Mb)
The version of the Burton and Dalby Neighbourhood Plan that is the subject of the referendum to be held on Thursday, 1st December 2022
Burton and Dalby Neighbourhood Plan Referendum: Information Statement (Word Document, 901 Kb)
Information regarding the Burton and Dalby Neighbourhood Plan Referendum to be held on Thursday, 1st December 2022
Burton and Dalby Neighbourhood Development Plan: Basic Conditions and Compliance Statement (Word Document, 62 Kb)
Melton Borough Council Statement concerning legal compliance
Burton and Dalby Neighbourhood Plan: Decision Statement (PDF, 511 Kb)
Melton Borough Council's consideration and decision regarding the Examiner's Report
Burton and Dalby Neighbourhood Development Plan Examiner's Report (PDF, 382 Kb)
Subject to a series of recommended modifications set out in this report, the Examiner concluded that the Burton and Dalby Neighbourhood Development Plan meets all the necessary legal requirements and should proceed to referendum.
Burton and Dalby Neighbourhood Plan: Submission Draft (PDF, 18.9 Mb)
The Plan that has been submitted to Melton Borough Council for publication.
Burton and Dalby Neighbourhood Plan: Design Code (PDF, 4.3 Mb)
The Design Code will ensure that new development satisfies the requirements set out within the National Planning Policy Framework, National Design Guide and the Melton Local Plan.
Burton and Dalby Neighbourhood Plan: Basic Conditions Statement (PDF, 1.5 Mb)
The Basic Conditions Statement explains how the proposed neighbourhood development plan meets the requirements of paragraph 8 of Schedule 4B to the 1990 Town Country Planning Act and regulations.
Burton and Dalby Neighbourhood Plan: Consultation Statement (PDF, 2.2 Mb)
Contains details of the persons and bodies who were consulted about the proposed neighbourhood development plan, how they were consulted and summarises the main issues and concerns raised.
Burton and Dalby Neighbourhood Area
The Neighbourhood Area includes the whole of Burton and Dalby parish. Burton and Dalby Parish Council applied for Neighbourhood Area designation on 19 January 2016. Following a statutory six-week consultation period which ran from 28 January to 11 March 2016, the Neighbourhood Area was designated on 15 March 2016.
Burton and Dalby Neighbourhood Area (PDF, 8.5 Mb)
The Neighbourhood Area includes the whole of Burton and Dalby parish.
National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)
The Burton and Dalby Neighbourhood Plan must have regard to national policies and advice contained in guidance issued by the Secretary of State. This is principally provided by the National Planning Policy Framework and Planning Practice Guidance.
Melton Local Plan
Neighbourhood Development Plans must demonstrate that they are in general conformity with the strategic policies of the adopted development plan for the local area. The current adopted plan for the area is the Melton Local Plan (Adopted October 2018) which covers the period 2011-2036.
Community Engagement
The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 require neighbourhood planning groups and local planning authorities to undertake publicity in a manner that is likely to bring it to the attention of people who live, work or carry on business in the neighbourhood area at particular stages of the process. Below are some details of the steps we have taken to engage the community and others in shaping the development of the Burton and Dalby Neighbourhood Plan.
Initial Consultation
Initial consultation was held in each of the three settlements as follows:
- Great Dalby: Monday 12 June 2017 at Great Dalby Village Hall
- Burton Lazars: 27 October 2016 at Burton Lazars Village Hall
- Little Dalby: Monday 22 August 2016 at The Hollies Education Centre
Each event was used to inform local people about the neighbourhood plan process and receive views and opinions on the key issues that the Neighbourhood Plan should address. During this period, local activity was focussed on the preparation of the Melton Local Plan which had significant implications for Great Dalby and the Neighbourhood Plan preparation programme.
Living in Great Dalby (PDF, 75 Kb)
Feedback from community engagement event on 12 June 2017 at Great Dalby Village Hall
Living in Burton Lazars (PDF, 352 Kb)
Feedback from community engagement event on 27 October 2016 at Burton Lazars Village Hall
Living in Little Dalby (PDF, 128 Kb)
Feedback from community engagement event on 22 August 2016 at The Hollies Education Centre
Questionnaire Survey
The issues raised during the initial events helped in the preparation of the Burton and Dalby Household Survey. In January 2020, leaflets were delivered to around 430 local households inviting residents to complete an online questionnaire survey. Special arrangements were made for those that preferred to complete a hardcopy version of the questionnaire. The total number of completed household questionnaires was 90.
Great Dalby Questionnaire Leaflet (PDF, 516 Kb)
Leaflet promoting 2020 Questionnaire
Burton Lazars Questionnaire Leaflet (PDF, 1.1 Mb)
Leaflet promoting 2020 Questionnaire
Little Dalby Questionnaire Leaflet (PDF, 2.4 Mb)
Leaflet promoting 2020 Questionnaire
2020 Questionnaire (PDF, 3.9 Mb)
Hardcopy version of online questionnaire
2020 Questionnaire Survey Report (PDF, 292 Kb)
Results of the 2020 household questionnaire
Draft Neighbourhood Plan
The feedback from consultation events, the questionnaire results and information about the area, helped us to prepare a (Pre-Submission) Draft version of the Burton and Dalby Neighbourhood Plan. Under Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, a pre-submission consultation period of no less than six weeks on the proposed Neighbourhood Plan ran from Monday 11 October to Monday 22 November 2021.
A copy of the Pre-Submission Draft of the Plan was made available to download. A summary of the Pre-Submission Draft of the Plan was delivered to all premises within the parish. During the consultation period, 'drop in' sessions in Great Dalby and Burton Lazars provided an opportunity to examine the contents of the Plan and to discuss it in more detail with members of the Parish Council.
Consultation Leaflet (PDF, 647 Kb)
A summary of the Pre-Submission Draft of the Plan delivered to all premises within the parish.
Burton and Dalby Neighbourhood Plan: Pre-Submission Draft (PDF, 19.8 Mb)
Pre-Submission Draft version of the Burton and Dalby Neighbourhood Plan.
Representation Form (Word Document, 34 Kb)
Pre-Submission Representation Form
Representations (PDF, 824 Kb)
Representations and comments received
There is no 'tick box' list of evidence required for neighbourhood planning. Proportionate, robust evidence is required to support the choices made and the approach taken.
Countryside and Landscape
Green Infrastructure
National policy makes provision for local communities to identify green areas of importance to those communities, where development will not be permitted except in very special circumstances. The Melton Local Plan already identifies and protects a Local Green Space at St James' churchyard, but we can identify additional Local Green Spaces in our Neighbourhood Plan where justified.
1 The Green, Great Dalby (PDF, 720 Kb)
1 The Green, Great Dalby
2 Nether End verges, Great Dalby (PDF, 488 Kb)
2 Nether End verges, Great Dalby
3 The Halford (part), Great Dalby (PDF, 543 Kb)
3 The Halford (part), Great Dalby
4 Great Dalby Primary School playing field (PDF, 462 Kb)
4 Great Dalby Primary School playing field
5 Brook side bridleway, Great Dalby (PDF, 1.1 Mb)
5 Brook side bridleway, Great Dalby
6 St James' churchyard, extension and paddock, Burton Lazars (PDF, 585 Kb)
6 St James' churchyard, extension and paddock, Burton Lazars
7 Woodland west of the Childs Close, Burton Lazars (PDF, 365 Kb)
7 Woodland west of the Childs Close, Burton Lazars
8 Private gardens between Cross Lane and New Road, Burton Lazars (PDF, 358 Kb)
8 Private gardens between Cross Lane and New Road, Burton Lazars
9 Paddocks between Cross Lane and New Road, Burton Lazars (PDF, 303 Kb)
9 Paddocks between Cross Lane and New Road, Burton Lazars
10 Land at end of Barnard Close, Burton Lazars (PDF, 335 Kb)
10 Land at end of Barnard Close, Burton Lazars
11 Field between Cross Lane and Hollow Lane, Burton Lazars (PDF, 447 Kb)
11 Field between Cross Lane and Hollow Lane, Burton Lazars
12 Gap adjoining 20 Cross Lane, Burton Lazars (PDF, 656 Kb)
12 Gap adjoining 20 Cross Lane, Burton Lazars
Heritage and Design
Great Dalby Conservation Area Appraisal (MBC) (PDF, 138 Kb)
Great Dalby Conservation Area Appraisal (MBC)
Prehistoric, Roman and ‘unknown date’ archaeological sites (HTML, 134 Kb)
Prehistoric, Roman and 'unknown date' archaeological sites
Post-medieval archaeological sites (HTML, 151 Kb)
Post-medieval archaeological sites
Modern archaeological sites (HTML, 34 Kb)
Modern archaeological sites
Burton and Dalby Neighbourhood Plan: Design Code (PDF, 4.3 Mb)
The Design Code will ensure that new development satisfies the requirements set out within the National Planning Policy Framework, National Design Guide and the Melton Local Plan.